Whether you're on a Disney Vacation or the Disney College Program, capturing your park days are a must. When I got my first phone in 8th grade I remember on my Disney Trip that year being so excited to have my own photos and videos to look back on afterwards! We all know how that obsession has spiraled into my love of creating Disney content so I wanted to share some awesome ways you can document your Disney park days.
If you've been keeping up with my blog or Instagram, you know that I am currently in Walt Disney World right now! I did write this post ahead of time so don't worry; I'm not sitting in Pop Century writing this while my friends are hanging out in Magic Kingdom without me lol. I've been so excited for this trip for so long and had so many ideas of the different ways I want to document our park days.
Obviously it's the most important to live in the moment. But, as Disney fans, we loveeee capturing the memories while we're there! Taking photos is definitely my favorite thing to do but I wanted to share some other things you can do to document your time spent in the parks that I find myself doing during/after every trip.

Here are my 5 favorite ways to document Disney park days:
Taking photos. Whether it's shooting on my phone, my camera, or maybe even with a polaroid, I love taking photos while in Disney! It's easily my favorite thing to do while I'm there. Both photos of myself and friends, along with scenic photos of Disney attractions, food, etc. make me so happy to capture so I can remember all the things I did in one day and just to have for myself!
Taking videos. I have loved taking little videos throughout my Disney trips and putting them together in one video to be able to watch my trip in one place. It's truly so in the moment and candid and makes me feel like I'm still right in Disney! I made this video for my Spring 2019 DCP and ended sharing it on YouTube because it brings me so much joy to be able to watch it time and time again.
Vlogging. I will admit, I tried vlogging my first DCP and it turned out to not totally be my thing on YouTube but I love vlogging on my Instagram Stories while I'm there! It's super in the moment and you can add it to a highlight on your profile to always look back on. On my Disney trip in January this year, I shared a ton of our park days this way and did this throughout both DCP's. All of those stories are saved in highlights on my profile!
Sharing on social media. This kind of goes along with everything else mentioned but sharing your adventures on social media can be so fun! Sharing on Instagram Stories, posting photos on Instagram with captions about your day, creating Tik Tok videos, posting updates on Facebook, are all super cool ways to share what you've done while you're there and after you're home! Even if you don't have tons of followers, social media platforms are SO cool and fun to use to share stuff like this!
Writing blog posts. I'm a huge fan of writing blog posts after I'm home from my trip to reflect on my past trips, make lists of what I loved/didn't love, creating tips for future reference among so many other things. Now that my DCP is over I do love sharing my best tips and reflecting on my time there as well! Even if no one is here reading my blog, I love sharing what I was up to, my rec's, etc. because it's fun for me to put it together! Not to mention, it makes the Disney withdrawal not so bad when I'm at home.
On this trip I've been planning on taking lots of photos, creating another video to essentially post on YouTube, and sharing on Instagram of course! I have a ton of blog posts in mind that I want to write about when I come back too. Let me know what your favorite way to document your Disney park days are! Thanks for stopping by and head over to IG to see what I'm up to this week!!
See ya real soon,

Such good ideas!!